Posted in: Biology Science, IT, PC/macOS

用 chatGPT API 武装了一下 macOS

3月1日(日本时间则是3月2日) chatGPT API 发布,从此不用每次都傻傻地打开那个聊天窗口一问一答,而是可以把 AI 服务更加无缝地结合在自己的电脑里。当然这不是永久免费使用的,只是给了每个新注册账户(必须要非中国的手机号认证!)18美元的免费额度,看样子好像是4月1日到期,不确定后面是否还有。




然后按照 steveee 的教程配置即可。


工具仍然是 PopClip,然后按照 reorx 的教程配置即可。至于里面的英语提示文字,我选用了来自千叶大学的一段话,以便更加“学术范”:

I would like you to paraphrase in English. I will give you the sentences of the paper in English, and you will paraphrase the text and reply in English. Try to change the structure of the sentences as much as possible, keep the meaning as it is, and keep the tone scientific and academic. Please reply only with corrections and improvements. Please do not write a description.



  1. 普通个人 API 有频率限制,不要乱划乱点,否则很快就不能用了,三思之后再点下去。
  2. 英语润色好之后千万不要 copy paste,要根据自己的理解再修改一次。否则被杂志发现了直接列为抄袭处理。
  3. AI 润色与普通程序最大的区别在输出结果不唯一,例如一句话反复润色多次,结果都是不一样的。给它一段由10句话组成的段落去润色,和从里面抽出一句话来单独润色,结果也是完全不同。一般来说输入的内容越多、输出也就越准确。


For haploids predicted as “LOW” confidence in A, we divided 1%, 20%, or 50% amplicons to the second-rank species, respectively, to generate three simulated datasets.


To generate three simulated datasets, we allocated 1%, 20%, or 50% of the amplicons of haploids categorized as having “LOW” confidence in A to the second-rank species.


To generate three simulated datasets, we divided 1%, 20%, or 50% amplicons to the second-rank species for haploids that were categorized as having “LOW” confidence in A.


To produce three simulated datasets, we allocated 1%, 20%, or 50% of amplicons to the second-ranked species, respectively, for the haploids classified with “LOW” confidence in A.

Comments (9) on "用 chatGPT API 武装了一下 macOS"

      1. Microsoft Edge 110.0.1587.63 Windows 10 x64 Edition

        莫担心,要取代的是我这样只能写流水账一样博客的博主 类似这里说的 哈哈

  1. Google Chrome Mac OS X  10.15.7

    这次这个 chatGPT 可以说自从我小时候第一次接触触屏手机后,又一次震撼我的科技产品。感觉图灵测试都没什么意义了,这玩意跟阿拉丁神灯一样,写代码就不说了,居然还能看懂代码,改bug,能玩文字游戏,能做阅读理解,除了有时有假信息外,真的是划时代的东西。


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